I Am a Survivor…
I Am A Survivor… NEW BEGINNINGS Today is a huge, gigantic, momentous day for me. Wow, that’s an understatement as there are not enough adjectives (superlatives) to describe the […]
I Am A Survivor… NEW BEGINNINGS Today is a huge, gigantic, momentous day for me. Wow, that’s an understatement as there are not enough adjectives (superlatives) to describe the […]
Thinking about joining Team in Training? Here are some of Don’s best reasons!
In exchange for raising funds, participants receive: four to five months of high caliber training by certified coaches, a supportive group of teammates, and lodging and airfare to the event […]
Team In Training has had a tremendous impact on the growth in endurance sports, and in particular, the explosion of women’s participation. Overall, 73 percent of TNT participants are women, with an […]
The world’s largest voluntary health organization, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society was a natural fit for Armstrong, a blood cancer survivor, and he immediately felt a connection with the organization […]
More than 912,000 Americans have leukemia, Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma or myeloma. Every four minutes, someone new is diagnosed with blood cancer. Every 10 minutes, someone loses their fight. An […]