Find Your Purpose. Finish Your Race.
When you read this uplifting memoir, you will be captivated by Don’s story, inspired by his determination and encouraged by his example. You’ll learn that it’s possible to transcend even the most challenging circumstances and find your life purpose and live it with passion in the process.
Don Armstrong was diagnosed with leukemia, a blood cancer that threatened to end his line in 2005. He endured five rounds of chemo in eight months, culminating in a successful stem cell transplant on May 12, 2006. This was his new “birthday” and his second chance at life.
This journey was filled with uncertainty as well as life lessons and huge victories that changed almost every aspect of his life. Don discovered that adversity affects us all, but it doesn’t define us- it’s the way we react that determines and changes the outcome.
Don wrote Finish YOUR Race to share the extraordinary lessons and strategies he learned while his life was on the line. The strategies he discovered aren’t just for cancer patients – everyone can use them to empower their lives.
Finish Your Race
Finish Your Race: Empower Your Life with Strategies from a Cancer Survivor delivers a message of action. This book is perfect for the person who wants to make a change, but is unsure where to start. Life can be overwhelming, we all face personal challenges, but we don’t have to let them defeat us. Perspective can be powerful; if you are deliberate about finding your purpose, you can finish whatever race you may be running.
In the first part of this easy to read book, Don shares his cancer journey from cancer diagnosis, through treatment, to remission. The second part of the book focuses on overcoming barriers and hardships to find happiness. You will easily come away from the story feeling empowered. It will arm you with strategies for overcoming life’s obstacles and provide tools for confidence building. It is a motivating quick read that, as one reader puts it, “leaves you smiling and feeling like you can reach that goal that’s been in the back of your mind.”
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Enhance Your Experience With These Products
Finish Your Race Actionbook
The Finish Your Race Workbook is now available for more in-depth action items that you can start doing today. Offered in the Finish Your Race Workshop, this action-oriented workbook will send you on a deeper journey to discover, understand, and achieve your greatest potential.
Daily Journal
Always know where you left that important message! This helpful, branded journal is a great place to keep notes, positive affirmations, and your goals to help you Finish Your Race.
Coming Soon!
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