Finish Your Race Book


Finish Your Race: Empower Your Life with Strategies from a Cancer Survivor delivers a message of action. This book is perfect for the person who wants to make a change, but is unsure where to start. Life can be overwhelming, we all face personal challenges, but we don’t have to let them defeat us. Perspective can be powerful; if you are deliberate about finding your purpose, you can finish whatever race you may be running.

In the first part of this easy to read book, Don shares his cancer journey from cancer diagnosis, through treatment, to remission. The second part of the book focuses on overcoming barriers and hardships to find happiness. You will easily come away from the story feeling empowered. It will arm you with strategies for overcoming life’s obstacles and provide tools for confidence building. It is a motivating quick read that, as one reader puts it, “leaves you smiling and feeling like you can reach that goal that’s been in the back of your mind.”

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Hardcover, Paperback


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